Experienced Guidance With Financial Support Matters
In many instances support matters become complicated. Both party’s income needs to be determined. If a party is voluntarily underemployed or unemployed, imputed income needs to be determined. The reassuring news is that these matters do not need to be a source of resentment and distress if they are approached rationally with the help of the right attorney.
That is what you can expect when you contact Sockel-Stone Family Law in Miami-Dade County. I will take the time to explain the law and develop a strategy regardless of how complex the situation is and help you seek outcomes that are both fair and sustainable for both parties.
Alimony Basics In Florida
For a spouse to be awarded alimony, one spouse must have the need for alimony and the other spouse must have the ability to pay alimony. Currently, Florida law provides for several different types of alimony: temporary, bridge the gap, durational, rehabilitative and permanent. There are statutory factors a court must analyze to determine the type and length of alimony. There are statutory factors a court must analyze in determining the type of alimony, the duration of the alimony and the amount of any alimony award. Standard of living during the marriage is not a super factor.
Whether you are seeking alimony or have been asked to pay alimony, I will help you make a strong argument to a judge regarding your position. We can discuss the numerous factors judges consider when awarding alimony and which would be most relevant in your case. Then, if alimony is awarded, I will help you ensure that the amount and duration are reasonable, fair and sustainable to both sides.
A Child Support Overview
In Florida, child support is primarily calculated using the child support guideline formula that considers numerous factors, such as both parties’ incomes, the timeshare schedule and the amount of children. There are deviation factors that can be considered by the court when deviating upward or downward from the child support guideline amount.
Generally, an obligation to pay child support for each child terminates the later of the child turning 18 or graduating high school, but in no case beyond age 19. A child that is dependent beyond the age of 18 as a result of a disability may be entitled to child support beyond the age of 18.
Support orders may be modified based on a permanent, substantial and unanticipated change of circumstances.
Contact Me For Answers To Your Support Questions
Sockel-Stone Family Law is based in Miami-Dade County and serves clients throughout the surrounding areas. If you need help with financial support or any other family law issue, contact me to schedule an initial consultation. Just call my office at 786-598-8849 or send me an email.